Tim Walt

I am the founder of CVW Financial, LLC and my passion is working to make my clients’ financial lives less complicated.

I have lived a rich and varied life, with experiences that have given me a unique perspective on financial planning and advising.

To really understand who I am and what I’m about, I would point to two books:

  • Have You Filled a Bucket Today

    • This comes from my teaching days, but I’ve never come across anything that truly gets to the heart of what our interactions with others is all about.

    • In short, we all have an invisible bucket and when you are kind to a person, you fill their bucket, but that also fills your own. On the other hand, if you are not kind to a person, you empty their bucket, but also your own.

  • A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Best Investment Guide That Money Can Buy

    • This book taught me that there are the cold hard facts of investing, and then there is the theatre of investing.

    • The more complex the investment strategy is, the more likely you are dealing with theatre. That is, a money manager who is trying to justify their position (read: excessive fees)

What to expect:

As a financial planner and advisor, I work with clients to understand their financial goals and develop strategies to help them achieve those goals. I take a personalized approach to financial planning, recognizing that each client is unique and has their own set of challenges and opportunities. I want my clients to feel confident and in control of their financial lives.


I spent 14 years as an elementary school teacher, where I formed deep connections with my students, their families, and my fellow teachers. These experiences taught me the value of understanding each person's unique needs and the importance of listening and responding with compassion.


  • Bachelor’s Degree in history from UMass Amherst

  • Master’s Degree in Education from UMass Boston

  • Certificate in Financial Planning from Northwestern University’s School of Professional Studies.

  • Candidate for CFP® certification.

Important to me:

Outside of work, I am a devoted husband and father to two beautiful daughters. I also spend time with my dog, Chester, who is the "C" in CVW. Cooking and carpentry are two of my passions, and I enjoy spending time on projects around the house.

I also proudly volunteer as Chair of the Board of Directors for my daughter’s preschool. My favorite part of that is going in to visit all the little kids!